Sunday, May 5, 2013

Word Press Plug-Ins That Can Help You

If you are writing a blog on a WordPress platform, there are some plug-ins that in my opinion are must-haves, because they will probably benefit you (and perhaps boost your traffic a little bit.)  First and foremost, as the CommentLuv Plug-In.  This is a great little plug-in, because it allows anyone who comments on your blog to get a link attached to their comment back to their own blog.  This can benefit both blogs with more traffic.  Along with CommentLuv, I also use "Simple Trackback Validation" and "GASP."  Simple Trackback Validation lets you establish some criteria for Trackbacks that you will approve, and it automatically eliminates a lot of SPAM trackbacks.

GASP stands for "Growmap Anti Spambot Plugin" and is also very helpful in reducing SPAM attacks.  

The next must-have plug-in is NextScripts Social Network Auto-Poster (SNAP for short).  This plug-in will auto-post 
all your new content to your Facebook Fan Page, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Delicious, etc.  
The free version has some limitations; howeve with the paid version you can be auto-posting
 to all your social networks at the same time from an assortment of blogs.  HOWEVER; I 
caution you, that even though this plug-in can also be used to auto-post to "Blogger," the kind 
people at Google DO NOT LIKE SNAP.  I set it up originally to auto-post to three of my Blogger 
blogs, which were shut down by Google immediately for being "SPAM" blogs, even though 
they weren't.  Google says that you can appeal their decision, and they'll look at the site in 
twenty-four to forty-eight hours, because this decision is actually made by Google robots.  So, 
I notified Google about the three Blogger sites that were shut down erroneously, and I have 
been waiting over a month for a response from them.  Just be warned, DO NOT USE this plug-in
 with Blogger


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