Also, if you are using WordPress, make sure you add an RSS feed button for people to subscribe to your site, and you can also add a subscribe by e-mail button. I use to add RSS feed buttons to my sites, but there are others out there that you might have a preference for. Take advantage of cross linking too. You have the option on Feedburner to create an animated banner that links to an RSS feed, and if you have one site that is related to another site, you can cross promote them this way.
If you are on Facebook, take advantage of the ability to build a Fan Page for your website or blog. Over time, as people visit your site or blog, some of them will share your info with their followers, and over time you can build some good, steadily growing traffic that way. Check out the cool "Follow Me" Twitter shirt from Cafe' Press below.
Follow me or
On my YouTube Channel, you can find a lot of helpful videos from one very experienced and tech savvy affiliate marketer.
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