Wednesday, February 27, 2013

CommentLuv Enabled Blogs

I'm sure you've heard the terms "backlink" and "content is king" if you are a blogger or if you are thinking about becoming a blogger.  Obviously, in order for a blog to be successful, people have to be aware of it's existence and that just doesn't happen all by itself.  Firstly and most importantly, what is written on your blog needs to be as unique as possible.  That means you either write content yourself, pay someone to write content for you, or a very attractive third option is to invite guest bloggers to write content in exchange for putting their own links in their content.  The more unique content you have on your blog, the better your chances of getting ranked higher in the major search engines. But, ranking high isn't the only way to get traffic to your blog.

I very handy way to drive traffic to your blog is to look for CommentLuv enabled blogs that are DoFollow blogs.  If you find blogs that are relevant to the content you already have on your site, you can make a comment on these blogs.  CommentLuv enabled blogs will allow you to link one of the posts from your blog to the comment, which can drive readers of that blog's comments section to your blog.  If you're going to write comment, don't be mundane about it.  Actually read the post that you are commenting on make some worthwhile comment.  Don't just say something like "great blog."  That isn't helping either the blog owner or you.

Some links in this article are affiliate links from which we may receive a tiny commission at no additional cost to you should you visit a merchant via our link and subsequently make a purchase.

There are other comment sections in other types of blogs that will allow you to enter your site URL, but that isn't as specific as being able to pick out one particular link.  The best driver of traffic to your site is to comment on sites that are ranked on the first page of Google, Bing, Yahoo! or  Commenting on first page blogs will help generate traffic faster to your site, because you have the chance to have more eyes upon you. 

If you have a WordPress blog, CommentLuv is a free plug-in, and I recommend that you had it to your site so commenters on your site can take advantage of the commenting features as well.  If someone who has a highly ranked blog comments on your site, this also helps your site to get better rankings.

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