Sunday, August 16, 2020

Dear California:. This is NOT the Time to Steal Gig-Workers' Livlihood

Hey, California-Do you understand that you are a Covid-19 hotspot, and gig economy driver's, such as GrubHub, DoorDash, InstaCart, UberEats, Cavier, PostMates, etc , are actually essential workers and they Do Not Want to be employees?  These drivers are helping keep restaurants that are now relying on food deliveries to keep their businesses open.

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With overwhelming unemployment, these gig workers rely on their earnings from providing delivery services to support their families, and to stay off of unemployment.  The lawmakers in California evidently have not done a very good job thinking about the negative ramifications of making this law effective, because the consequences will be that all of those gig companies will leave California-and any other states that follow suite.

The result of those companies leaving states will not only hurt the gig drivers, the gig companies, the restaurants, but it will also hurt the finances of those states, due to tax revenue losses, local tax losses, and tax losses even to the Federal Government, PLUS the added burden of more people on the unemployment rolls.

In California vote yes to Proposition 22 which will keep driver's as independent contractors rather than employees, because you will be doing the right thing for the gig companies, the gig drivers, the federal, state, local governments, and the restaurants that relying on gig delivery drivers to stay in business.

Also, it will have a negative impact on the elderly and those with underlying health issues, who don't want to or can't do their own grocery shopping and who rely on services such as InstCart to get their groceries.  

If your state government tries to reclassify gig workers as employees, raise your voice!  Write to your congressman, write to your senators, write to your governors, write to your district attorneys, write to your president too!  It comes bad no surprise to me that the majority of the states that want to do away with Independent Contract worker status, are states that are run by Democrats.  This could also impact independent truckers, and other businesses that utilize independent said that aren't paid by the hour.

It's reasons such as these, in addition to the fact that there is no such thing as job security, that everyone should have multiple side-hustles.

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