Sunday, May 12, 2013

Blogging on the Run

As I mentioned in a previous post, we never know when a sudden inspiration is going to hit us.  Lots of people can access the Internet with their iPhone, or other wireless devices.  Personally, I am not a fan of iPhones.  That's not say that there is anything inherently wrong with them, but I think they are over-priced and not a good value for the money.  Although, I must admit having Internet access that fits in your pocket is not really a bad idea.  I; however, personally prefer my Acer Aspire One Netbook computer.  It's small, easy to carry, has wireless Internet, and fits perfectaly into a Penn State Nitany Lions 10.5" iPad case.

I take it with me wherever I go, because there is usually some place near wherever I might happen to be that has wireless Internet service.  As a matter of fact, right now, I am sitting in a Burger King in Quakertown, PA as I write this.  There is only ONE thing that I don't like about the Acer Netbook that I have, and that is that the keys are flat instead of cupped (like for finger indentations).  But, I've learned to accept it, and all-in-all it is great little computer.

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