Sunday, September 30, 2012


PinSomo - Your Social-Mobile Wordpress Theme

Speculated to be the next wonder of the world, PinSomo has finally been released and awaits user reviews. Currently, PinSomo is the only Pinterest theme available in the market with social-mobile capabilities.

Pinsomo WordPress Theme Demo

... a picture paints a thousand words, so image-pinning actually says a LOT.

PinSomo was launched today, September 3rd at 10am EST, and has already generated <how many sales> within the past <how many hours>. It seems like PinSomo is doing well and will continue to do well in the long run and probably live up to be the “Wonder Wordpress Theme”. It was not too long ago that people wondered about its capabilities but through word-of-mouth, its incredibly low-pricing and many early-adopters out there, sales of PinSomo have been going non-stop since its release!

Not only is it easy to use, but is incredibly effective in delivering the traffic you deserve. Because of PinSomo, any user has the potential to increase site traffic by 1173% easily, with the simple change of a wordpress theme. It seems that many users that were drastically affected by the backlash of the Google Panda and Penguin updates, are going to be happy at reviving their once-deserted wordpress site.

At its conception, many users were struggling to rank high enough or even appear in the SERPs to remain competitive in their online marketing and sales efforts, especially since the Google Panda and Penguin updates. Daniel saw the opportunity there and created PinSomo, the world’s first social-mobile Pinterest theme for wordpress. This translates to even further business opportunities especially to sites such as Amazon and its affiliates that use heaps of visual content to generate sales. Research has shown how a visual-based website like enjoyed more sales traffic generated from people who viewed pin images from their site -- it only makes sense modelling after something that’s tried and proven!

“This Pinterest WordPress theme also incorporates Social and Mobile functionalities, meaning to say that not only will it generate traffic, it is also socially integrated with Facebook OpenGraph and Insights, which basically consolidates the data (their habitual patterns in navigating the site) and puts all that data into an easily interpretable graph. It also has a mobile responsiveness design which adjusts the layout and graphics of the website in accordance to the screen size of your viewing device. I believe that PinSomo appeals to both online businesses as well as users that just simply  want to gain some internet popularity.” Daniel explains.

The old adage is that a picture paints a thousand words, so image-pinning essentially says a LOT.  There’s always a lot of social interactions happening online with media-sharing such as a cat video or just an incredibly humorous picture-and-caption combo. With PinSomo, all the good stuff that’s going to be shared will spread like wildfire and if your website looks and works exactly like Pinterest, you’re pretty much getting all the traffic that you need but that is -- if you share the good stuff.

So we cannot say for sure what possible drawbacks of such a simple theme might have. Spam could be one of the main concerns but Google would most likely have preventive measures against that. But to see the full extent of this new “Wonder Wordpress Theme”, we can only wait and see.

About PinSomo: PinSomo is a WordPress Theme that’s created by Daniel Tan in order to help internet marketers improve sales by improving site traffic volumes. It was conceived after the realization that Pinterest, being the fastest growing social site, had a positive correlation with internet traffic. Daniel saw that as an opportunity to create a theme that would fulfil the needs of people who needed a way to generate more site traffic.

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