Saturday, July 21, 2012

Take This iPad and Shove It

Anyone who is blogging and writing on the go needs to have an easily portable computer.  Lots of people seem to be in love with the iPad, but personally, I think they suck.  If you learned how to type by touch typing the way I did, not having any physical keys to touch is a big problem.  Of course, you can get an add-on keyboard, but then you have something extra that you always have to be lugging around with you, that adds weight, and from my perspective, inconvenience.  I am forced by employer everyday to use an iPad in place of a cash register, which I think is very rude of my employer.  I should not have to be forced to do anything I don't want to do.  Which is another reason for blogging, because I can do what I want to do, when I want to do it.  No one tying my arm behind my back and forcing me to sit here and type one of my little blurbs of discontent or happiness, depending on what I decide to write about at the particular moment in time.  So, guys and gals, if you are going to blog and you want an iPad, more power to you, but I wouldn't recommend one.  But, if you absolutely have to have an iPad, then I would recommend the keyboard and case shown below.  Item may be on sale, so don't hesitate.

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