Thursday, July 19, 2012

Make Google AdSense Part of Your Plan

If you are writing a Blog, one important feature that you need to consider is Google AdSense.  Almost all website formats will offer you some way of integrating Google AdSense into your campaigns.  This may not make you a fortune, but AdSense will place ads on your site that are relevant to the content of your site, which also lends credibility to your site.  Personally, I'm very partial to Google Blogger and WordPress for my sites, as they both are set up very well to accommodate Google AdSense ads.  But, also you need to be careful that you are offering unique content on your website, because if you try to get by without unique content, you run the risk of having your AdSense ads pulled by Google.

For WordPress Blogs, I'm partial to registering my domain on Siteground, because it is very easy to set up a WordPress site on their servers.  It's pretty much one click and done, and then all you have to do is write your content.
  Web Hosting

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